6 Underground (2019)

“What If I told you, I know what happens when you die?” — 6 Underground Film Review

6 min readJun 23, 2024


“They say your soul departs when you pass. Well, for us, it was the opposite. The moment you have nothing to lose… becomes something to gain. And the whole wide world seemed a little less haunted.” — One, 6 Underground (2019)

It’s been years since my father and I watched ‘Deadpool’ together. That is when I came across an actor that I liked. His personality, his talent, and his versatility. It is the one and only, Ryan Reynolds. Because of this obsession with the series Deadpool, I decided to try some of his movies. One of those is 6 Underground — a hidden gem behind his great legacy in films.

At first, I was skeptical about it since I just watched his Green Lantern and for me, it’s not good. Because of this, I was afraid of trying another movie that was said to be bad. But when I got to search some of its contents, its plot, and its characters, I decided to give it a try. And just like a book, you really should not judge a film based on what everyone says.

6 Underground is about a billionaire who saw how fucked up this world is with his two eyes. Because of this, it drives him to use his wealth to frame up his death and gather some team who will also become a ghost along with him. Together, they are off to bring down true evil people that lurk within the living. It is a movie about war, politics, and family. Something that aligns with the things that I find interesting in a movie or a series.

The movie does not start that well and only five of the main characters were introduced. But when I got into it, I became more invested in how it would turn out in the end. The characters were introduced based on numbers. One is the billionaire while the rest goes by with the numbers after it (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). But in the beginning, their six died due to an unfortunate accident. Because of this, it drove them to find their seven to replace him.

The replacement is a former soldier who became the only one to be alive in his troop. He is a sniper who was ordered to not shoot even though he saw that something was off with a van that was almost approaching his troops. Because of this, all of his cadet members are now dead and he suffers greatly from it due to the guilt of not pulling the trigger. He almost killed himself not until One came into his life to recruit him as a ghost. He promised him that he would always let him pull the trigger, no matter what happens. Because of that, he decided to join One and the others for their missions. Now that they got him, they finally gonna get started with the mission they were assigned to.

The mission is to conduct a coup d’état by overthrowing a dictator in a fictional country Turgistan. They will replace him with his brother who believes that the power should be on the people. Before everything else, One does not believe in the concept of family and he won’t come back to anyone when they are left behind on their mission. But all of them are ready to die for the sake of this mission. As they try to take the dictator’s brother away, their Four cannot catch up with them. And just like before, One wants to leave him behind. But the difference right now is that they got Seven. He stubbornly refuses to leave Four behind while still carrying the guilt he had back then so One has no choice but to let him, although he still does not believe that his fellow ghosts are his family.

It became a little conflict for them but at the same time, it made all of them wonder if they were people who were attached or just accomplices. But still, since they already started their way of changing the future of Turgistan they continued their mission. Until it has come to the point where they finally hit the wall. But, for the first time, One did not prioritize the mission over his men. And, as the movie comes to its end, he finally acknowledges his fellow ghosts as his family.

All of the scenes in this movie were just implied. It doesn’t tell everything, it just shows what happened which makes it more interesting. For some reason, I cannot bring myself to skip some of its parts that I would’ve skipped with other movies even if I watched it a few times. The ideas inside it and the political impact that it could’ve made are massive. They talk about the things that people are afraid to talk about these days. The movie walked us right into the path of those who became victims of vicious bombings around their country. The comedy is top-tier and the friendship trope is something that I hold so highly. It is indeed a great masterpiece.

“The world is trapped in red tape, and I couldn’t cut it, even with a million-dollar sword.”

This quote summarizes One’s story and it means everything to me. From the moment I heard it, I realized so many things. No one can change the world, not even money. So the least we could do is to be the one maintaining that peace. But in the movie, it was similar but done oppositely. They sacrifice their entire life, the world they know, and the things they could get by living just to become no one. It gives them more privilege to do whatever they want to do to keep the peace of the world, even in the worst way possible. The more freedom they have, the more they can free other people from suffering. They will never get credit for what they’ve done, but at least the world seems a little better. Just like the quote in the last part of the movie which I already mentioned above.

To sum it all up, this movie hit me differently than any other political and action movie that I watched. It made me more open to the people around me. It changes my beliefs and because of this, my principles become clear. It may not be a blockbuster hit and something that everyone knows, but it still holds a special place in my heart. It is the foundation of my stance and it gave me a reason to fight for the things I believe in. At the end of the movie, they didn’t just get the justice they fought for, they also got something more important — a family that they didn’t wish for. Something that they can say they belong to. Just like the last quote, “The moment you have nothing to lose…becomes something to gain.”

It is a movie that I always wanted to recommend and I will always be astonished with this movie. It will never fail me, heck I watched this so many times now since 2022 up until my recent rewatch of it. So I hope someone will find this gem truly amazing.

6 Underground (2019)




windstales is a pseudonym that brings out the realistic side of arrietta, the one who sought to tell the story of the wind